Sunday, January 30, 2011

regla sa buwan ng hunyo

Although, it was never discussed in class, after reading the poem of
the same author of Liham ni Pinay Mula sa Brunei, by Elynia S.
Mabanglo a page beside it with a poem entitled Regla sa Buwan ng
Hunyo captured my fancy that made me want to read on. With the title
alone it was already intriguing as I read the poem it was about a
womans menstruation. As a girl it is common knowledge that it is a
cycle that happens monthly the agonizing pain and the hassle of
having menstruation and the cramps is unlike any other that no man
will ever know in his entire life. It is like a curse that all
women should bear, but only one thing can stop this and that is
preganancy. And in the poem Regla sa Buwan ng Hunyo, is about a
woman who is having an unwanted preganancy and after some months is
to give birth to a child that can make or break her entire life.And
although, menstruation is viewed to be a curse( for me at least) she
wants to have her period for this is a signal that the child is
gone. For having a child is a huge responsibilty, it is another
person's life at sake and to have an unwanted pregnancy numerous
women are finding ways to run from such duty and that way is to
abort the child and to erase the proof of love. Having an unwanted
pregancy as stated from the poe is like a contract, tesatment a
curse that canot be redone and erase and should not be killed in
any way. Having a child unawanted or wanted should be given the
freedom to live and to be given the life that the child deserves no
matter what odds and consequences are at stake.